Textbook Request Process

The Access and Opportunity Portal provides funding towards students’ textbooks as well as the ability to borrow textbooks through Student Success Initiatives (SSI). There are certain provisions in place when receiving funding towards a textbook as well as renting a textbook. Please continue reading to ensure you understand and adhere to our process and conditions.

1. Complete an AOP Application and Textbook Request Form.

When requesting funding for a textbook, you are required to fully complete an AOP Application, a textbook request form, and textbook contract.

Prior to submitting your application and form, please research the most cost-effective option, and stay in the class for which you are requesting assistance. If you are still shopping for a course or are at all unsure if you will remain in the class, please do not request funds for that textbook until you have made a final decision. This helps to ensure that the AO Portal is able to assist other students with textbook support.

The textbook request form and contract needs to be completed and submitted with your AOP application. In the event, you cannot submit it with your application you will be given 3 business days after receipt for your AOP request to be processed. If this is not done, your AOP request will be closed out and you will have to resubmit an application.

2. Consider the time it may take for your books to be delivered.

Please keep in mind the time frame of shipping, and what the expected received date could be. If your request needs to be filled instantaneously, please indicate this information on the application and form, and again research the best option to obtain the textbook in the timeframe for which it is needed.

3. Return Textbooks by the Due Date

All textbooks should be returned by the due date unless noted otherwise, and any receipt associated with the transaction should be given to the SSI Operations Specialist Maria Salgado.

If any of the books requested are already in the SSI inventory, you will receive the textbook automatically.

If a textbook is purchased for a student via the bookstore or a third-party vendor: These books
are SSI property and should be returned to the SSI office by 5:00 PM on Friday of the last week at the end of the semester.

  • Fall 2023, December 12, 2023
  • Spring 2024, April 30, 2024

If a textbook is rented for a student via the bookstore or a third party vendor: The student is
responsible for returning the textbook by the due date, and must inform the SSI Operations Specialist Maria Salgado via email at success@rice.edu when the textbook has been returned.

If the textbook was borrowed from the SSI inventory, please make sure it is returned to the SSI
office by 5:00 PM on Friday of the last week at the end of the semester.

  • Fall 2023, December 12, 2023
  • Spring 2024, April 30, 2024